Posted on 22 October 2010 - No comment
For many decades now, tree nurseries have been supplying B&B (balled and burlapped) trees for planting. These are expensive, costing upwards of $150 for a tree 2 inches in diameter and in addition the planting could set you back antoher $100. Unfortunately after spending all this money, you might be doing something that might kill the tree in the long run. The nurseries put the root ball of the tree in a burlap lined wire basket which makes it easy for them to handle. Unfortunately they do not remove the wire basket when planting and the roots grow through them. Ultimately the roots grow thick enough to engulf the wire and this may kill the tree. When planting trees, ask the contractor to first cut away the bottom of the basket, keeping the side wires in place while positioning the tree in the hole. Then cut away and remove the side wires as well. This will ensure that your tree does not die after 30 years.